2016년 8월 12일 금요일

Sigmund Freud - Defense Mechanism

Defense Mechanism

[Defense Mechanism]

  1. Repression
  • Forces feeling / thoughts back into the unconscious
  • Repressed materials have 3 facts :
             - Remains unaltered in consciousness
             - Force their way into consciousness
             - Expressed in disguised from ( ex) physical symptoms )

     2.  Reaction Formation
  • A clever disguise for a repressed material
  • The thought / emotion is expressed in its opposite way / form
  • Exaggerated, obsessive, and compulsive
     3.  Displacement
  • unacceptable urge is transferred to a less threatening object
     4.  Fixation
  • Remaining in a more comfortable stage of psychosexual development ( ex) Oral fixation )
     5.  Regression
  • Going back to an earlier stage of development                                                                               ( ex) An adult find his mother when he is in scared situation)
     6.  Projection
  • Unwanted internal impulse is identified in an external object
     7.  Introjection
  • Incorperating positive qualities of another person into their own ego.
     8.  Sublimation
  • Repression of a genital aim by substituting a cultural or social aim

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