2016년 8월 16일 화요일

Melaine Reizes Klein - Internalization



  • The person takes in aspect of the external world and them organizes those introjections into a psychologically meaningful framework
  • Kleinian Theory's 3 important Internalization :
             - Ego, Superego, Oedipus complex


  • Reaches maturity at a much easier stage
  • Klein largely ignored the id and based her theory on the Ego's early ability to sense both destructive and loving forces and to manage them through splitting, Projection, Introjection
  • Ego is unorganized at birth, it's strong enough to fell anxiety, to use defense mechanism, and to form early object relations in both phantasy and reality
  • Before a unified ego can emerge, it must first become split
  • Infant innately strive for integration, but at the same time, they are forced to deal with the opposing forces of life and death
  • "Good me" and "Bad me"
             - Dual image of self allows them to manage the good and the bad aspect of external objects
  • As they grew up, they become more realistic, and no longer see the world in terms of partial objects
  • Ego become more integrated

[Super Ego]

  • Differs from Freud's in at least 3 aspects :
             1) Emerges much earlier in life
             2) Not an outgrowth of the Oedipus complex
             3) Harsh and Cruel
  • Early Superego produces not guilt but terror
             - Young children fear being devoured, cut up, and torn into pieces
  • Infant's own destructive instinct : Which is experienced as anxiety
  • Klein concurs that the more mature superego produces feelings of inferiority and guilt

[Oedipus complex]

  • Oedipus complex begins at a much earlier age than Freud had suggested
  • Begins during the earliest months of life, overlaps with the oral and anal stages, and reaches its climax during the 'Genital' stage at around 3-4 years
             - Note : Klein preferred the term 'Genital' instead of 'Phallic'
  • Significant part of the Oedipus complex is children's fear of retaliation from their parents for their fantasy of emplying the present body
  • Stressed the importance of children retaining positive feelings toward both parents during Oedipus complex years
  • During its early stages, the Oedipus complex serves the same need for both genders, that is to establish a positive attitude with the good or gratifying object and to avoid the bad or terrifying object
  • Children are capable of homosexual and heterosexual relation with both parents

[Female Oedipus Development]

  • Similar with Freud's Oedipus complex.
  • Strong attachment to her mother throughout this period

[Male Oedipus Development]

  • Not so different with Freud's Oedipus complex
  • Start from homosexual relation toward his father, change into the heterosexual relation with his mother
  • See parents as whole object : a condition that enables him to work through his depressive position

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