2016년 8월 16일 화요일

Carl Jung - Analytical Techniques, MBTI

Jungian Analytical Techniques

[Jungian Analytical Techniques]

  • Dream Analysis
             - Compensatory function
             - Rich source for archetypal material
             - Example : male/female in dreams
  • Active Imagination
             - Beginning with an impression, the client start to focus on it until the picture starts to move
  • Word Association
             - Video : A dangerous method (2011) - skin conductor & many words


  • Myers-Briggs Types Indicator
             - A typology constructed by Katharine cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers.
                It's based on the typological theory proposed by Jung
             - Four letters
                    - E/I, S/N, T/F, P/J

[The Attitudes of Energy : Extraversion and Introversion]

  • When in the Extraverted attitude, a person interests with the environment. Receives energy through actively engaging with people and activities, and take a trial-and-error approach to acquiring new experiences and skills
  • When in the Introverted attitude, a person spends time reflecting on and reviewing idea and experience, and observes and thinks about whether or nor to interact with new people or try new outside activities

[Functions of Perception : Sensing and Intuition]

  • When Sensing perception is being used, the receiver is using the evidence of the senses, focusing on concrete reality, and the gathering of facts & details.
  • When Intuition is being used, the perceiver focuses on concepts, idea and theories, inferring connection among diverse pieces of information

[Function of Judgement : Thinking and Feeling]

  • When Thinking judgment is being used, the person making judgment takes an objective and dispassionate approach to the available data
  • When Feeling judgment is being used, there is concern for the impacts and consequences of a decision on individuals or groups of people

[Attitude toward the outside world : Judging and Perceiving]

  • A Judging attitude involves the habitual used of one of the judging functions, Thinking or Feeling, when interacting with the other world. When a Judging attitude is being used, there is a desire to reach a conclusion (use judgment) and make decision as quickly and efficiently as possible
  • A Perceiving attitude involves the habitual use of one of the perceiving functions, Sensing or Intuition, when interaction with the outer world. When a perceiving attitude is being used, there is desire to collect as much information as possible before coming to a conclusion


  • Superior Function
  • Auxiliary Function
  • Tertiary Function
  • Inferior Function

[8 Functions]

  • Extraverted Intuitive people are oriented facts in the external world. Rather than fully sensing them, however, they merely perceive them subliminally
  • Introverted Intuitive people are guided by unconscious perception of facts that are basically subjective and have little or no resemblance to external reality
  • Extraverted Thinking People rely heavily on concrete thoughts but they may also use abstract ideas if these ideas have been transmitted to them from without, for example, from parents of teachers
  • Introverted Thinking people react to external stimuli, but their interpretation of an event is colored more by the internal meaning they bring with them than by the objective facts themselves
  • Extraverted Feeling people use objective data to make evaluations. They are not guided so much by their subjective opinion, but by external values and widely accepted standard of judgment
  • Introverted Feeling people base their value judgments primarily on subjective perceptions rather than objective facts
  • Extraverted Sensing people perceived external stimuli objectively, in much the same way that theses stimuli exist in reality. Their sensations are not greatly influenced by their subjective attitudes
  • Introverted Sensing people are largely influenced by their subjective sensations of sights, sound, taste, and so forth. They are guided by their interpretations of sense stimuli rather than the stimuli themselves

[Good marketing; Bad research]

  • Marketing
             - Used in the business world mainly for career typing
             - Profiles famous people
  • Research
             - Does not pass statistical tests
                    - (False dichotomies, factor analysis)
             - Lacks validity, reliability, and utility

[Personality Themes]

  • Determinism  VS  Free choice
  • Pessimism  VS  Optimism
  • Causation  VS  Teleology
  • Conscious  VS  Unconscious
  • Biology  VS  Environment
  • Uniqueness  VS  Similarities

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