2016년 8월 12일 금요일

Alfred Adler - Safeguarding Techniques

Safe-guarding Techniques

[Abnormal Development]

  • Neurotic people
             - Root cause : under developed social interest
             - Manifestations
                     - Set their goals too high
                     - Live in their own private world
                     - Have a rigid and dogmatic style of life
  • External factors in maladjustment
             - Exaggerated physical deficiencies
                    - Exaggerated physical deficiencies : also exaggerates feeling of inferiority
             - Pampered style of life
                     - Tendency to perpetuate the parasitic relationship
                     - Feels incapable of anything; therefore, inferior
             - Neglected style of life
                     - Distrustful of other people and of society
  • All involve low self-esteem and all contribute to lower level of social interest

[Safeguarding Techniques]

  • Conscious techniques that prevent neurotic people's inflated self-images to be disgraced in public.
             - Excuses
             - Aggression
             - Withdrawal
  • Excuses
             - "Yes, but" & "If only" statements
  • Aggression
             - Depreciation
                     - Undervaluing someone's effort
             - Accusation
                     - Blaming others for one's failures
             - Self-accusation
                     - Hunting one's self to hurt others
  • Withdrawal
             - Moving backward
                     - Similar to regression of Defense Mechanism
             - Standing still
                     - Not doing anything
             - Hesitating
                     - Procrastinating until it's too late
             - Constructing obstacles
                     - Create your own problem
                            - Surpassing the obstacle will rise self esteem
                            - Not surpassing the obstacle will serve as an Excuses

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