2016년 8월 13일 토요일

Carl Jung - Stage of development

Stage of Development

[Stage of development]

  • Childhood
             - Focus on development of consciousness
             - Anarchic phase
                     - Small island of consciousness
             - Monarchic phase
                     - Beginning of logical and verbal thinking
             - Dualistic phase
                     - The "I" and the "other"
  • Youth
             -Period of physical independence from parents
             - Tendency to cling to childhood ways
                    - "Conservating principle"
             - Period of increasing activity
  • Middle age
             - Physical and cognitive decline
             - Conservative principle is also present
                    - Different set of values and activities must be pursued
             - Introversion and exploration of the unconscious should be the new focus
             - Self realization is often begun here
  • Old age
             - Diminishing of consciousness
             - Death as the goal of life


  • Two attitudes
             - Introversion : Focus on the inner world
             - Extroversion : Focus on the outer world
  • Four Psychic functions
             - Decision making function
                     - Thinking
                     - Feeling
             - Information gathering function
                     - Intuition
                     - Sensation
             - Functions interact with attitudes

[Decision making functions]

  • Thinking
             - Logical and rational production of ideas
             - Put more weight on personal concerns and the people involved
  • Feeling
             - Might better be called 'valuing'
             - Put more weight on personal concerns and the people involved.

[Information gathering function]

  • Intuition
             - Knowing without knowing how you know
  • Sensing
             - Relying on the five senses


  • Myers - Briggs Type Indicator
  • Find your MBTI

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