2016년 8월 16일 화요일

Karen Danielsen Horney - Importance of childhood experience

Importance of Childhood Experience

[The Impact of Culture]

  • Modern culture : Based on competition among individual
             - "Everyone is a real or potential competitor of everyone else"
  • Competitiveness and the basic hostility it spawns result in feeling of isolation
  • Feelings of being alone is a potentially hostile world lead to intensified needs for affection (Cause people to overvalue love)
  • Love and affection is seen to be the solution for all their problems
  • Genuine love can be a healthy, growth-producing experience but the desperate need for love provides a fertile ground for the development of neuroses

[The Importance of Childhood Experience]

  • Childhood is the age from which the cast majority of problems arise
  • Traumatic events may leave their impressions on a child's future development
  • These event can be traced to lack of genuine warmth and affection
  • Parents : Powerful effect on personal development
  • Difficult childhood is responsible for neurotic needs

[Basic Hostility and Basic Anxiety]

  • Each person begins life with the potential for healthy development
  • People need favorable conditions for growth
  • Children need to experience both genuine love and healthy discipline

[Role of parents]

  • Parent's inability or unwillingness to love their child
  • If parents do not satisfy the child's needs for safety and satisfaction, the children develops feelings of 'Basic Hostility' toward the parents
  • Repressed hostility leads to profound feelings of insecurity and a large sense of apprehension called 'Basic Anxiety' - feeling of being isolation and helpless in a world conceived as potentially hostile
  • Anxiety and fear can also lead to strong feelings of hostility

[4 General ways that people protect themselves against this feeling of being alone in a potentially hostile world :]

     1. Affection 
             - Strategy that does not always lead to authentic love. People may try to purchase love with
                self-effacing compliance, material goods, or sexual favors

     2. Submissiveness
             - Submit themselves either to people or to institutions such as an organization or a religion
               (Submits in order to gain affection)

     3. Power, Prestige, and Possession :
             - Power : A defense against the real or imaged hostility of others and takes the form
                             a tendency to dominate others
             - Prestige : A protection against humiliation and expressed as a tendency to humiliate others
             - Possession : Acts as a buffer against destitution and poverty and manifests itself
                                    as a tendency to deprive others
     4. Withdrawal
             - Developing an independence from others or by becoming emotionally detached from them
                > Can't be hurt by other people
  • Horney believed that all people use them to some extent
  • Compulsion is the salient characteristic of all neurotic drives

[Compulsive Drives]

  • Neurotic individuals have the same problems that affect normal people, except neurotics experience them to a greater degree
  • Aim is to guard themselves
  • Neurotics do not enjoy misery and suffering
  • Can't change their behavior by free will but must continually and compulsively protect themselves against basic anxiety

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