2016년 8월 12일 금요일

Sigmund Freud - Psychosexual development

Psychosexual Development

[Freud's Theory of Psychosexual Development]

  1. Oral stage ( 0 to 1.5 years)
  • Mouth as erogenous zone
  • Oral Receptive
             - No ambivalent feelings
             - Anxiety and frustration comes up during weaning leading to the next sub stage
  • Oral sadistic
             - Teeth appear and weaning is facilitated
             - Thumb sucking is used as a defense mechanism
             - Child likes to bite

     2.  Anal stage ( 1.5 to 3 years )
  • Anus as erogenous zone
  • Characterized by aggressive behavior through excretory function
  • Early Anal period
             - Greater aggression than pleasure
             - Frustration experienced by toilet training
  • Late Anal period
             - Erotic pleasure through defecation
  • 2 Types of Anal stage
             1) Anal Retentive
                   - Children who hold in their defecation
                   - Anal triad ; Orderly, obstinate, stingy
             2) Anal Expulsive
                   - Children who defecate every where
                   - Display cruelty, emotional outbursts, disorganization, self-confidence,
                     (something) artistic ability, generosity, rebelliousness and general carelessness

     3.  Phallic stage ( 3 to 4/5 tears)
  • "Anatomy is destiny"
  • ~ 3-4 years old
  • Genital become the primary erogenous zone
  • Mastarbation is nearly universal but it suppressed by parents
  • the Oedipus complex is faced at this stage
     4.  Latency stage
  • Sexual latency from 4th / 5th year onwards until adolescence (12 years old)
  • Sexual energy is directed towards school, friends, hobbies, etc.
  • Reinforced by feeling of shame, guilt, and morality
     5.  Genital phase
  • Puberty reawakens sexual aim
  • In the earlier phase, sexual pleasure in auto erotic; whereas now, it focuses on other people
     6.  Maturity
  • Psychologically mature people have strong egos, Oedipus complex is dissolved, conscious is powerful, and sublimation is the primary defense mechanism

[Psychoanalytic Therapy]

  • Aim : Uncover repressed memories
             - Libido invested in neuroses or phobias is transferred to more charactive mechanisms
  • Transference
             - The strong feelings the patient develops for the analyst
             - Is actually a transferred relationship from one of the patient's parents
  • Free Association
             - The patient mentions whatever pops into mind, no matter how irrelevant or repugnant it is
  • Dream Analysis
             - Dreams often serve as wish fulfilment, except for repetition compulsion found in PTSD
             - Freud asked the patient for his/her own associations and the various symbol present
             - There is manifest content and latent content : Condensation, Displacement

[Dream Analysis ; case]

  • Dream of Nakedness
             - Exhibitionist tendency and freedom from criticism
  • Death of a beloved person
             - Oedipus complex if older ; jealousy of younger siblings if younger
  • Falling on Exam
             - Reassurance that one can do something


  • Freudian Slip

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