2016년 8월 12일 금요일

Sigmand Frued - Oedipus Complex

Oedipus Complex

[Male Oedipus Complex]

  • Initially the boy identifies (want to be) with his father and desire his mother
  • Simple
             - Boy feels rivalry with father and incestuous feelings towards mother
  • Complete
             - Children are bisexual in nature
                so the feminine aspect of the boy creates reverse feelings towards father.

[Castration Complex]

  • Anxiety and confusion causes castration anxiety
  • Castration anxiety is triggered by a boy's awareness of a female's absence of male genitalia
  • Castration complex dissolves Oedipus complex
  • Super ego is developed as the boy identifies (wants to be likes) his father; although sometimes, he may identify with his mother
  • Females realize that man have something extra and they become envious, penis envy
  • Penis envy is chronic whereas castration anxiety is acute

[Simple Female Oedipus Complex]

  • The girl starts to hate her mother for brining her into the world;
  • She develops incestuous feeling for her father because he has a penis and he can give her a baby

[Female Oedipus Complex]

  • The girl may give up her sexuality
  • The girl may fantasize to become a man
  • The girl may develop normally and undergo the Oedipus complex
             - She must surrender her sexual desires for her father and identify with her mother
             - Female Oedipus complex is broken up slowly so the female superego is usually weaker

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