2016년 8월 16일 화요일

Melanie Reizes Klein - Biograpy

Melanie Reizes Klein

[Melanie Reizes Klein]

  • Early years
             - Youngest of 4 children
             - Believed that her birth was unplanned
                    - Rejected
                    - Distant to her father, who favored his oldest daughter Emelie
             - Klein grew up in a family that was neither pro-religious nor anti-religious
             - Klein noticed that her parents worked at jobs that they did not enjoy
                    - Father : Physician who struggled to make a living in medicine and 
                                    eventually was relegated to working as a dental assistant
                    - Mother : Ran a shop selling plants and reptiles
             - Melanie still aspired to become a physician
              "Klein's early relationships were either unhealthy or ended in tragedy"
             - Felt neglected by the father : who she felt as cold or distant
             - Loved and idolized her mother : but felt suffocated by her
             - Sidonic : 4 years older sister - died when Melanie was 4 years old
             - Emmanuel : Melanie's only brother and 5 years older
                    - Idolized him - May have affected her relationship with men in the future
                    - Tutored Melanie and helped her pass the entrance examinations in prep school
  • Young Adulthood
             - Klein was 18 when her father died
             - Emmanuel died two years later
             - Married Arthur Klein at age 21 (She didn't want to marry)
                    - Believed that her marriage prevented her from becoming a physician
                    - Regretted that she had not reached that goal
                    - Dreaded Sex and abhorred pregnancy
                    - Produced 3 children : Melitta (1904), Hans (1907), and Erich (1914)
  • Budapest
             - Met Sandor Ferenczi
             - Klein's mother died in 1914
                    - Entered analysis with Ferenczi
             - Trained her son according to Freudian principles
             - Attempted to psycho-analyze Melitta and Hans but both went to other analysts
             - Melitta, in particulary, was analyzed by Karen Horney (voluntary)
             - Klein, in return, analyzed Horney's two youngest daughters
               (Compelled for preventive measure)
  • Klein separated from her husband in 1919
             - Established a psychoanalytic practice in Berlin
             - Made her first contribution to the psychoanalytic literature
               with a paper dealing with her analysis of Erich
             - Ended her relationship with Ferenczi and began analysis with Karl Abraham
                    - After 14 mouths, Abaraham died
                    - Began self-analysis
             - 1934 : Hans was killed in a fall
             - Melitta maintained that her brother had committed suicide and blamed Klein for his death
                    - Melitta began analysis with Edward Glover
             - Unlike Freud's case study method (Little Hans, when he only saw once),
                Klein psychoanalyzed children directly
                    - Children internalized both positive and negative feelings toward their mother and
                      that they develop a super-eg much earlier than Freud had believed
                    - Methods were criticized in Berlin
                    - Ernest John : invited her to go to London to analyze his children and
                                     to deliver a series of lectures on child analysis
                    - Wrote her first book : "The psycho-Analysis of children"
                    - Regarded self as Freudian

[Anna Freud and Melanie Klein]

  • Often argued about being more 'Freudian' than the other
  • The British psychoanalytical society split into 3 separate training division
             1) Kleinian
             2) Anna Freudian
             3) Independent

  • Melanie Reizes Klein died on September 22, 1960 in England

[Melitta Klein - Schmidebergy]

  • Oldest of 3 children
  • Parents separated when she was 15
  • Joined the British psychoanalytical society after receiving her medical degree
  • Edward Glover encouraged Melitta's independence
  • Married Walter Schmidebergy, an analyst who strongly opposed Melanie Klein and supported Anna Freud
  • Melitta felt her mother saw her as an appendage, not a colleague
  • Demanded that she should be treated as an equal : Theory of Melitta is very motherly

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